In Development
In Development
Tutorial Video
Tutorial Video
A grand adventure featuring fierce competition
among pirates in search
of Captain Flint's legendary treasure,
the Heart of the Sea.
Captain Flint
and the Heart of the Sea
The ruthless Captain Flint believed that the Heart of the Sea
was the only key to becoming the Pirate King.
Captain Flint's Greed
and Curse
After breaking the curse and claiming the Heart of the Sea,
Captain Flint finally achieves his dream of becoming the Pirate King.
However, the curse of the Heart transforms him into a demon,
driving some of his own crew to their deaths.
Captain Flint's Death
and the Thirteen Crew Members
Consumed by the curse, the demonic Flint resolves to become the God of the Sea,
and decides to offer every living soul on the seas to the Heart.
Thirteen crew members, unwilling to follow their captain into ruin, rise against Captain Flint.
They slay the demon Flint has become, shattering the Heart of the Sea into thirteen fragments,
then seal them away on thirteen islands at the very edges of the world.
Islands Where the
Fragments are Hidden
& A New Adventure
Many years pass, and Captain Flint's treasure map resurfaces.
A new generation of pirates set sail for adventure, each one chasing
the same legendary prize:
the sealed Heart of the Sea, and with it, absolute dominion over the ocean.
Playable characters directly controlled by the player.
Can equip all weapons and gear obtained through looting.
Pirate Captain and Avenger
Descendant of a fallen pirate clan
Dio is on a mission to destroy the curse and legacy left behind
by Captain Flint and his thirteen crew members
and ensure that their souls are wiped out.
As the last surviving member of a fallen pirate bloodline,
Dio has sworn vengeance against Captain Flint,
whose curse led to his parents' tragic demise. Losing his
family at a young age, he embraced the path of piracy,
dedicating his life to revenge.
Pirate Captain and Outlaw
Heir to a powerful merchant family that trades
pirate treasures
Luna seeks to claim Flint's legendary pirate treasure and
the Heart of the Sea to amass an unimaginable fortune.
Born as the only daughter of a merchant family dealing in pirate
treasures, Luna rejects her family's traditions. Instead of dealing,
she chooses to steal treasures herself, determined to become
the richest person in the world. Her deception and
thievery skills have helped her collect gold coins
on her own from a young age. Luna trusts no one
and is always ready to betray others if it means achieving her goal.
Support characters who fight alongside Captains.
in Development
Tutorial Video
Tutorial Video
Moving the Camera
Tap and hold the right side of the screen
while dragging to look around.
Tap and hold the right side of the screen
while dragging to look around.
Defeating Monsters
Tap Attack to take down monsters.
Use the Roll button to avoid enemy attacks!
Using Potions
Use Potions to restore your HP.
Obtaining Loot
After defeating an enemy,
tap the Glove icon to collect loot.
Tap Take All
to move loot to your inventory.
Activating Escape Portals
After completing all missions,
tap the Escape Portal to successfully
leave the area.
How to Change the Weapon
Tap the Swap Weapon button to swap weapons.
How to Lock-On
Press the Lock-On button
to automatically target the closest enemy.
Blocking and Jumping
Tap the Block button
to defend against enemy attacks with your shield.
Use the Jump button to navigate over
terrain and gain an advantage
in combat.
Finding Portal Locations
Completing a mission activates a portal
and reveals its location.
Tap the Minimap to see the location of the portal!
How to Obtain Blessings
After completing a stage, tap Continue to receive a Blessing.
The selected Blessing remains active
until you die or escape.
*In Extraction Mode, Blessing can also be
obtained by defeating specific monsters.
Stamina Management
Use stamina to perform rolls.
If your stamina runs out while rolling,
you will become Exhausted and recover after a short time.
in Development
A grand adventure featuring fierce
among pirates in search
of Captain Flint's legendary treasure,
the Heart of the Sea.
Captain Flint
and the Heart of the Sea
The ruthless Captain Flint believed
that the Heart of the Sea was the only key
to becoming the Pirate King.
Captain Flint's Greed
and Curse
After breaking the curse and claiming the Heart
of the Sea, Captain Flint finally achieves his dream
of becoming the Pirate King. However, the curse
of the Heart transforms him into a demon, driving
some of his own crew to their deaths.
Captain Flint's Death
and the Thirteen
Crew Members
Consumed by the curse, the demonic Flint resolves
to become the God of the Sea, and decides
to offer every living soul on the seas to the Heart.
Thirteen crew members, unwilling to follow their captain
into ruin, rise against Captain Flint. They slay the demon
Flint has become, shattering the Heart of the Sea into
thirteen fragments, then seal them away on thirteen
islands at the very edges of the world.
Islands Where the Fragments are Hidden
& A New Adventure
Many years pass, and Captain Flint's treasure map
resurfaces. A new generation of pirates set sail for
adventure, each one chasing the same legendary prize:
the sealed Heart of the Sea, and with it, absolute
dominion over the ocean.
Playable characters directly controlled by the player.
Can equip all weapons and gear obtained through looting.
Pirate Captain and Avenger
Descendant of a fallen pirate clan
Dio is on a mission to destroy the curse and legacy
left behind by Captain Flint and his thirteen crew
members and ensure that their souls are wiped out.
As the last surviving member of a fallen pirate bloodline,
Dio has sworn vengeance against Captain Flint,
whose curse led to his parents' tragic demise. Losing his
family at a young age, he embraced the path of piracy,
dedicating his life to revenge.
Playable characters directly controlled by the player.
Can equip all weapons and gear obtained through looting.
Pirate Captain and Outlaw
Heir to a powerful merchant family that trades pirate treasures
Luna seeks to claim Flint's legendary pirate treasure
and the Heart of the Sea to amass an unimaginable
Born as the only daughter of a merchant family dealing
in pirate treasures, Luna rejects her family's traditions.
Instead of dealing, she chooses to steal treasures herself,
determined to become the richest person in the world.
Her deception and thievery skills have helped her collect
gold coins on her own from a young age. Luna trusts no one
and is always ready to betray others if it means achieving
her goal.
Sword & Shield
Sword & Shield
Balanced melee loadout that lets you safely block enemy attacks and counterattack with stability.
Engage in efficient close-quarters combat with high survivability and sharp decision-making.
Skill Books
Equippable active skills for weapons.
Shield Charge
Rushes forward a set distance,
dealing damage to the first enemy hit.
Enters a defensive stance for a short time.
If attacked by an enemy, retaliates with a shield
bash, dealing damage and Stunning the enemy.
Deadly Strike
Pierces the target deeply, inflicting damage
over time and reducing their Attack Damage.
Shield Throw
Throws a shield,
dealing damage to all enemies along its path.
Pirate's Pride
(In Development)
Battle Cry
(In Development)
A weapon with long range and zoning skills. It allows you to deal continuous damage while keeping a safe distance from enemies.
Engage in dynamic combat by controlling the battlefield from a secure distance, using fast movement and evasive maneuvers to reposition.
Skill Books
Equippable active skills for weapons.
Fire Arrow
Shoots a flaming arrow,
burning the target over time.
Somersault Shot
Launches the target into the air with a somersault
kick. Upon recast, fires an additional arrow
for extra damage.
Tracker's Arrow
Fires a triple-shot spread arrow that deals damage
and reduces the enemy’s Movement Speed
for a set duration.
Temporarily increases arrow capacity and boosts
Movement Speed.
Rapid Fire
(In Development)
Volley Shot
(In Development)
A versatile weapon with slow yet powerful strikes, capable
of disabling enemies while also healing and buffing allies.
Deliver devastating single strikes and maximize efficiency
through precise timing and strategic positioning.
Skill Books
Equippable active skills for weapons.
Swings a hammer in a wide arc, dealing
damage to all nearby enemies.
Also knocks them back and briefly Stuns them.
Divine Rapids
Unleashes a wave of energy, damaging enemies
and healing allies. Healing increases
if an enemy is hit.
Ground Slam
Slams the ground with a hammer, dealing
AoE damage and launching all enemies
within range into the air.
Sanctuary of Protection
Creates a protective field around the caster
for a set duration, blocking harmful effects
on allies within range.
Divine Guardian
(In Development)
Pulse of Light
(In Development)
A versatile sniping weapon that delivers powerful Critical Hits with precise long-range shots.
Effective in mid-to-long-range combat, maintain a safe distance while executing deadly precision shots and high-damage attacks.
(In Development)
Support characters who fight alongside Captains.
Assault Warrior, Damage Dealer, and Tank
Navy Deserter
Adventure Goals
A free and independent life
Gray was once a highly skilled naval soldier, known for his
exceptional combat ability and quick decision-making.
However, over time, he grew disillusioned by the greed of the
corrupt officers and the meaningless wars they waged.
Eventually, Gray refused to obey a reckless order given during
battle and led his comrades in retreat, only to be branded
a deserter. He now roams as an outcast with no home or allies.
Support Archer and Ranged Damage
Warrior from a Jungle Tribe
Adventure Goals
A journey in search of love
A formidable warrior skilled in archery, Amazon took great
pride in protecting her tribe. However, she longed to
experience love. One day, she fell in love with a pirate.
But the elders of her tribe ordered for him to be executed.
Instead of following their command, she spared his life and
was then exiled from her homeland. She now sets sail as
a pirate herself, determined to find him again.
Iron Hammer
Close-Range AoE Warrior and Tanking
Legendary Blacksmith
Adventure Goals
A journey to reclaim his true identity
Iron Hammer was once a world-renowned blacksmith.
However, his fatechanged when he forged armor and
a hammer from the energy of a mysterious meteorite.
He wielded these weapons to protect his village
from a powerful pirate fleet, but their overwhelming
energy corrupted his body and soul, transforming
him into an iron-clad warrior. Misunderstood and
feared by his own people, Iron Hammer joined a pirate
crew, embarkingon a desperate quest to return to his
original form by tracking down Captain Flint's treasure.
in Development
Ranged Supporter and Mage
Sorcerer of the Snow Kingdom
Adventure Goals
A journey to fulfill a prophecy and save the world
Aesar is a noble-born sorcerer from the Snow Kingdom.
After fighting in the great war against Flint, she
spent many years enjoying peace. However, rumors soon
spread that a fragment of the Heart of the Sea had
resurfaced. The oracle of the kingdom then prophesied
that Flint would return, bringing about the end of the
world if the Heart of the Sea was fully restored.
To prevent this disaster, the Queen of the Snow Kingdom
ordered Aesar to recover the fragment before it falls
into the wrong hands. So she embarks on a perilous
journey, joining the pirates to fulfill his mission.
in Development
Close-Range Tank and Damage Dealer
Fighter from an Underground Fight Club
Adventure Goals
A mercenary warrior hired by the pirate crew
Franken was a deathmatch fighter, artificially created by
the mad scientistDr. Viktor. His body was assembled from the
remains of multiple fallen fighters, with his emotions and
soul completely removed. Used as nothing more than
a money-making machine, he gained fame in underground
fight clubs, making Dr. Viktor wealthy beyond measure.
However, when a pirate crew sought to claim Franken as
their own, they killed Dr. Viktor, freeing Franken in
the process. Now, he fights alongside the pirate crew,
embracing his newfound purpose.
Single-Player Dungeon (PvE)
PVE Rogue-like Content
Single-player mode
Dungeons consist of multiple stages.
After clearing a stage, advance to the next stage or escape from the dungeon.
Players can select one of three blessings
which modify the dungeon difficulty
for gameplay variety.
Exit the dungeon with all items and
resources collected so far.
If you fail to clear a stage (death), all rewards obtained during the run will be lost.
Party Play Dungeon
(PvEvP, Beta ver.)
PVPVE Content
3-player parties by default
When forming a party
Players can enter solo by using
Mercenaries as allies.
Up to 6 parties (18 players total) can play in a single session.
Extract looted items by reaching an Escape Portal
placed within the map.
Engage in PVP to steal loot from other players.